Clear skies. Low 44F. Winds light and variable..
Clear skies. Low 44F. Winds light and variable.
We live in a world where having the latest and greatest matters. Whether it is the newest shiny smartphone or even your garage door, designs change, and so do tastes. That's why your typical old-school garage door isn't going to turn any heads. In fact, the chances are that most garage doors on your street aren't worth a second look. Sure, there is nothing wrong with having a plain door, but it is worth investing in a garage door that adds curb appeal and, consequently, value to your property.
If you are in the market for a garage door that's sturdy, reliable, and Will Boost Curb Appeal, then we have just the designs you'd want to consider in this article.
Glass garage doors have honestly been around for a while, but they have become increasingly popular as of late. One reason for their popularity is that glass garage doors look modern and compliment many new home designs. Also, glass happens to be a suitable material, so as long as the door is well insulated, the local climate shouldn't matter. However, you should avoid poorly insulated garage doors regardless of if they are made from glass.
Glass doors allow for the most natural sunlight to enter the garage, making the garage a more pleasant space. It is perfect for those who want to spend time in the garage, like studying, working on a project, working out, etc. It is also why modern glass garage doors are becoming so popular.
However, some people may be concerned about privacy when it comes to using a glass garage door, but as it turns out, it's not an issue. If you don't want people outside looking into the garage, you can buy one that's frosted, opaque, tinted or with mirrored glass. The frameless designs offer an ultra-modern look.
Now, if you don't like glass doors but still want the luxury of natural bright sunlight in the garage, then windows are something you should consider. Many garage doors can accommodate a few customized windows. The windows can be customized to your needs and design preferences.
You are in charge of choosing the shape of the windows, their placement and even the type of glass used on them. You can also choose from opaque or entirely transparent glass. The fact is that a couple of windows is all you need to spice up the design of your garage door while letting in loads of natural light.
Our advice is to match the garage door's window designs to that of your home. This approach will contribute to overall visual harmony.
Trust us when we tell you that wooden garage doors aren't going out of style. That's especially the case when so many people choose steel garage doors with a woodgrain finish. The natural look of woodgrain adds charm and warmth to the home. However, unlike natural wood garage doors, steel garage doors or doors made from aluminum don't require the same upkeep. You don't need to spend much on maintenance beyond making sure that the wood grain appears uniform throughout the years.
Today, there are a few dozen wood grain finish steel and metal garage doors to choose from. Our advice is to pick one that's both sturdy and looks great.
We've seen decorative hardware for a very long time, long enough for us to think it is a timeless design trend. Ornamental pieces like the knockers, studs, and handles, mainly remind us of the times when we'd open the garage door manually. However, even with the advent of automatic garage doors, these pieces still serve to add a touch of class and elegance.
Fortunately for homeowners, decorative hardware can suit a multitude of doors. However, these look best when they are paired with carriage house doors or wooden garage doors. Our advice here is to choose whatever will go well with the rest of the home's exterior.
In our experience, aluminum, wood, and steel all have their set of advantages. However, the new materials available today, like fiberglass and vinyl, are the future. The synthetic materials are affordable, easy to maintain, and lightweight. Also, they complement modern home designs. Whether you are building a new home or redoing the existing one, consider these the best, modern, cost-effective alternatives to metal garage doors.
Choosing a modern garage door can be a little tricky; after all, there are so many different types out there. Our advice is to do your research and find something that works well in terms of aesthetic appeal and your budget.
Author Bio: Ran Keller is an experienced handyman who’s been working for Elite Garage Door & Gate Repair for 10 years. When he’s not fixing garage doors, he likes to share his repair ideas and knowledge with others.
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